04 December 2013

D04 Cizur Menor - Puente La Reina

Less km's today!  More blisters & soreness though!
A gentle climb out of Cizur Menor through an agricultural area.

Ahead of us we saw the wind turbines but just before we started the ascent we saw a very sad little memorial.  I'm guessing this man's 12 yo son died & he did the camino in his honour or possibly he died at this point.
We have seen many  signs of people who died on the way but this doesn't sound like that.

After a rather steep climb we reached the famous silhouettes.

I tried a remote control shot with the camera but they are out of focus and I'm not climbing back up again!

The top of the range was amazingly windy!  I guess that is why they have the wind turbines there!!

The descent down was harder than the ascent!  You weren't out of breath but the loose rocks you walked on were very treacherous!

After this we walked at a fairly steady pace in the warm winter sun.  We were pretty tired by that stage and I couldn't be bothered with many snaps but here they are.

One funny thing happened in Uterga, while I was attempting to treat a blister a stray cat turned up and  tried to play pat-a-cake with my feet!  We have seen lots of half starved cats since we started our walk, obviously desexing is not a big thing here!

Arriving at Puerte La Reina we were reunited with most of our original party from St Jean, who we had lost track of!

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